
Indifference To The Assassination Attempt

It’s been just six days since a bullet nearly changed the trajectory of America forever,…

Democrats Do Not Love Joe Biden

In a sense, Democrats dislike Joe Biden more than Republicans do. This shouldn’t be hard…

A Lament For America

Conservatives have always said American policy is ten years behind Canadian policy. When the Supreme…

Should Pro-Life Christians Vote For Trump?

Americans take their blessings for granted, including the blessings of pro-life presidential candidates. Most anti-abortion…

Trump, Abortion, And The Pro-Life Movement

Donald Trump’s biggest enemy isn’t the Democrats, the media, or the deep state. Donald Trump’s…

Why I Am Not A Christian Nationalist

We were all unfamiliar with the term “Christian nationalism” until a couple of years ago.…

Is It Unfaithful For Christians To Vote For Democrats?

Some Christians are upset with Albert Mohler, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,…

The World Has Changed, God Hasn’t.

Some of the events in our nations and around the world are tempting many of…

Is The Freedom Convoy White Supremacist?

The most insulting thing about Justin Trudeau’s history with black Canadians isn’t that he admits…

Shame On The Ontario Government

I am not going to mince words.  Shame on Premier Doug Ford. Shame on Minister…