
Canada’s Conversion Therapy Ban

Canada isn’t just a post-Christian nation—it’s an anti-Christian nation. And it’s past time we Canadian…

Hope For Unvaccinated People

“It is with a broken heart that I write this.” “I never thought that I…

Canadians Explain How Vaccine Passports Harm Their Freedom And Health

Vaccine passports and mandates are forcing thousands of Canadians to lose their jobs, their education,…

How Should Canadian Conservatives Vote In This Election?

For the first time in almost 20 years, a significant number of conservative voters in…

I Wasn’t a Minority, Until Today

One of my friends sent me a text earlier this week saying:  “It’s interesting: in…

Why I Am Not Getting The Vaccine

Our governments have failed to convince many of us to get the COVID vaccine. So…

Bill C-10: Canada’s Internet Censorship Bill

Yesterday, a judge ruled that James Coates’ rights and freedoms were not infringed on when…

The Government Isn’t God

One of the false gods with the most followers and the most committed worshippers today…

The Canadian Government Is Persecuting James Coates

In some ways, the Canadian government isn’t persecuting James Coates—they’re guilty of much worse. By…

Why Some Canadian Churches Are Defying The Government

Two months ago, days after the Alberta government ordered his church to comply with their…