Why They Are Supporting Me

I am fundraising my entire salary for full-time pro-life work at the Canadian Center For Bio-ethical Reform. And as you can imagine, it’s a very challenging and humbling experience. But this opportunity to stand up for pre-born babies is forcing me to knee before God. And I am thankful for that.

God is answering my prayers. People all over Canada and America have decided to make big sacrifices to support my endeavor to save babies from murder. I recently asked some of these amazing people to explain why they are supporting me.

Please read their words, and if you’re interested in joining them to support me so I can raise all I need to start working to save babies from death, please email me at slowtowrite@gmail.com. I would be happy to speak with you.

“Sam worked with me doing pro-life outreach during the summer. Sam is one of the best pro-life advocates I’ve ever worked with. His ability to show kindness and love to those he disagrees with is what makes him such a persuasive communicator. I watched him many times convince abortion supporters to become pro-life and never choose abortion. When you donate to Sam, you are enabling life saving work. Sam is an exceptional communicator and he is perfect for his role with CCBR promoting pro-life work and reaching the public with the truth about abortion.” – Adam (Toronto, Canada)

“For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. PSALMS 139:13‭-‬14

I was glad when I saw what Samuel was planning to do to help save babies. I had been contemplating donating to one of the ministries in the US, but was being discouraged by the exchange rate and how much more it costs Canadians to donate down there. When the opportunity came to help in Canada I was excited for the chance to help with finances that God has graciously given to me. We have no abortion happening in our direct area, so this was a welcome opportunity to help. After hearing from Samuel what he was doing, I was glad to partner with him. I know that as well as using graphic images, which are effective in changing peoples minds from murdering their children, I know that he will also use the power of the Gospel to try to change people’s hearts and win souls to Christ. I encourage you to pray for Samuel and also to seek if God would have you help him financially as well. It is worth it for the eternal kingdom.” – Robert (Alberta, Canada)

See Also

“We are supporting Sam because every person, from the moment their DNA is woven together, bears the image of God.  As such, each person has inherent worth and dignity.  But perhaps even more importantly, being made in God’s image means that as we are fruitful and multiply, we fill the earth with God’s glory.

Organizations like Planned Parenthood are nothing more than modern day altars to Moloch. Satan hates God and, naturally, His image bearers. He does not want God’s glory to be spread throughout the earth.  And when we accept the lie that we can end the lives of our children in the name of reproductive freedom, we are simply worshiping ourselves. As Satan would have us do.  

As attorneys, my wife and I understand the desire to be an advocate for the innocent image bearers. We also understand, however, that the body of Christ is diverse, with each member having their own gifts. Sam’s proven experience and success in pro-life advocacy in Canada demonstrates his calling to this work. And after speaking with him on the phone and praying, we were firmly convinced that God was leading us to enable him to continue to serve Him in this capacity.” – Ottie and Jamie (Richmond, Virginia)

“Abortion has become such a casual, and sometimes celebrated, sin. While I believe there are many people who know that abortion is murder, I believe that many are simply misinformed or haven’t put any real thought into. People like Sam, who are willing and eager to share the truth about abortion are so very needed. Hearing of people changing their pro-choice opinions to pro-life is such an encouragement and a cause I am more than willing to support.” – Sarah (Toronto, Canada)

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