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Identity Politics Is A Threat To The Pro-Life Movement

Identity politics is a threat to human rights and the pro-life movement, especially in Christian circles. Last year, I shared a tweet saying:

“One of the biggest indictments against the social justice movement (or the identity politics movement) within evangelicalism today is that it hasn’t produced a greater passion against the biggest human rights violation of our time—abortion. In fact, it’s producing more apathy and support for abortion.”

Since then, identity politics’ most loyal advocates in evangelicalism have become more transparent about their apathy or support for abortion. Increasingly, professing Christians who follow identity politics are openly advocating for politicians who are radically antagonistic to affirming justice for pre-born babies.

Some of these professing Christians justify their support for pro-abortion politicians by making bizarre and incorrect claims that pro-abortion politicians—who strengthen abortion laws–reduce the number of abortions when they’re elected. Others, however, openly tweet about their pro-abortion positions.

There are devastating and murderous consequences to identity politics and social justice ideology. Through feminism, identity politics is the worst thing to ever happen to pre-born babies. Identity politics kills 100,000 pre-born babies a year in Canada. It kills 1 million pre-born babies a year in America. And it kills over 50 million preborn babies a year worldwide.

For that reason, at the Life Talks virtual conference last month, I explained why identity politics is a threat to human rights and the pro-life movement.

I’ve made the webinar available at the bottom of this article, including some key words from the webinar.

Key words from the webinar:

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