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Amber Thurman Died Because Of Amber Thurman

When Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022, Georgia’s heartbeat law went into effect. The heartbeat law bans abortion after the pre-born baby develops a heartbeat, which happens around six weeks into the pregnancy.

Weeks later in August 2022, a woman in Georgia named Amber Thurman wanted an abortion. She was a single mother to a six-year-old son and nine weeks pregnant with twins. Since she couldn’t have an abortion in Georgia, she drove four hours to a North Carolina abortion “clinic.” 

However, because of the “clinic’s” busy schedule that day, they gave her a chemical abortion (the abortion pill), instead of a surgical abortion.

A few days later at her home in Georgia, Amber Thurman became severely ill. She vomited blood and passed out. Her boyfriend called for an ambulance and she was sent to a hospital that evening. She was diagnosed with severe sepsis and died the next morning.

Two years later—Kamala Harris, abortion activists, and the media are blaming Amber Thurman’s death on Georgia’s pro-life bill and Christians.

A couple of days ago, MSNBC published an article saying:

“If the Christian right had not had its way at the Supreme Court, Amber Nicole Thurman would be alive today. She would have been able to get the medical care she needed in 2022…The true crime is that Thurman’s life was cut short because of ideologues who for 50 years trumpeted ‘biblical’ values as they sought to make women pay for unwanted pregnancies, even with their lives.”

The author’s hatred for Christianity is clouding her judgment. Amber Thurman didn’t die because of Christians or Georgia’s pro-life laws. She died because people like MSNBC refuse to tell the truth about the abortion pill. 

The article said: “It was not Thurman’s legal use of abortion pills that caused her to die. Deaths stemming from the use of abortion pills are exceedingly rare.”

But that is demonstrably false. Amber Thurman’s cause of death is severe sepsis—a common side effect of mifepristone (the abortion pill). The MSNBC article admits that 35% of women who have died from the abortion pill in America developed sepsis before their death.

A study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute says 20% of women who take the abortion pill experience adverse events that send them to the ER. And of the thousands of women in America who suffer these adverse events every year, 75% of them are listed as “severe or critical” cases. 

Before 2023, the abortion pill (mifepristone) had a black box warning that said: “WARNING: SERIOUS AND SOMETIMES FATAL INFECTIONS OR BLEEDING.”

Since Amber Thurman and her boyfriend didn’t call 911 until several days after she took the abortion pill and presumably several days into her adverse reactions, she apparently wasn’t warned about the potential risks to her own life. 

Democrats and the media claim doctors would have saved her life when she was finally admitted to the ER if it wasn’t for Georgia’s pro-life law. They say Georgia’s pro-life law prevented doctors from performing a procedure (dilation and curettage or D&C) to remove the remains of her children in her womb—a procedure that probably would have saved her life. 

But as Live Action explains in detail, the Democrats and media are lying. That procedure isn’t illegal under Georgia’s pro-life law, since it isn’t an abortion. A D&C is only unlawful if its primary intention is to kill the baby. In this instance, the babies were already dead. Since the procedure wouldn’t have been abortive, it would have been legal.

Also, the doctors haven’t shared why they delayed the procedure. They didn’t blame Georgia’s pro-life law. Abortion activists, the media, and Kamala Harris didn’t blame Georgia’s pro-life law either—until two years later, in the middle of a crucial presidential election.

Like George Floyd’s death in 2020, Democrats are once again exploiting the death of a black person to manipulate some people to vote for them. 

Amber Thurman didn’t die because of Georgia’s pro-life law. She didn’t die because of pro-life Christians. She died from complications of the abortion pill, given to her by the abortion industry. So the truth is, she died because of the abortion industry.

But the truth doesn’t end there. What I am about to say next will offend some people. Some of you might call me insensitive for saying it. But it needs to be said. 

See Also

Amber Thurman died because of Amber Thurman. There are two victims in this story, and Amber Thurman isn’t one of them. She isn’t the victim, her aborted twins are. She died from the same poison she used to murder her twins. 

This horrific story is the same as a woman who accidentally drinks a fatal dose of poison after she kills her toddlers with that poison. She murdered her children and died as a result. She reaped what she sowed.

The Bible says: “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption.” (Galatians 6:7-8)

So although the black-box warning is no longer on the abortion pill, God’s warning remains: one of the consequences of taking your baby’s life through the abortion pill is that it might make you lose yours.

Therefore if you are abortion-minded, for your baby’s sake—for your own sake, please do not take the abortion pill or pursue any form of abortion. 

Amber Thurman’s mother says her last words were: “Promise me you’ll take care of my son.”

That is a reminder that this story isn’t just about a dead single mother or her aborted twins. It’s also about a six-year-old boy. That little boy has lost his mother and two siblings.

We cannot take care of her son, but we can pray for him. So would you please join me in doing that? Pray that God would comfort him. Pray that God would save his soul. And pray that God would raise him to become a strong advocate for life and a fierce opponent of abortion.

Wouldn’t that turn a devastating story into a hopeful one? Isn’t that what God loves to do?

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